The Mechanic by Louise Cloutier

Louise Cloutier

The Mechanic

acrylic on canvas
30” x 15”
(in artist’s collection)

Location: Langille’s Garage, Durham Street

Amherst Shore Provincial Park Old Fire Hall

Artist Information

Louise Cloutier

Louise Cloutier is known for her realist paintings, her award-winning abilities as an art educator and her contribution to the cultural footprint of the village through ArtQuarters.

‘Charles the mechanic, a “local shaman …. healer of inanimate beings*”, agreed to be painted. When I asked him where he would like to be positioned, without hesitation he headed outside. As he propped an arm over the old Esso pump, it was as if he were leaning on an old friend’.

*excerpt from Charles, a poem by Richard Dittami

Charles Langille operated Langille’s Esso from 1988-2017. He was patient, kind and honest. A great mechanic and an even greater human being. This installation honours his memory.

Louise Cloutier
“I’m drawn to subject matter that communicates a story. As my relationship with the image evolves, I look beyond physical realism for emotional and symbolic content to flesh out the narrative. My internal musings are manifested in my use of intensified colours or the juxtaposition of unexpected shapes and forms in familiar settings. These elements serve to create underlying currents of mystery and tension that heighten awareness of time, place, and human connection.”

Louise Cloutier

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